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Manta Binary Upgrades​

Although forkless upgrades largely allow for upgrades without needing to change the node software, every once in a while, chain upgrades will break the client binary and require manual updating.

⚠️ Please follow the Manta node github releases closely for upgrade instructions.

Taking the Collator Offline​

You can (and should) notify the network your collator will be offline for more than 6 hours by running parachainStaking::goOffline() from your collator account.

This will remove you from the set of candidates temporarily without removing your collators It takes effect at the start of the next round after execution (at most 6 hours).

Neither you, nor your delegators will receive any rewards in the time you are offline (whether you run the above extrinsic or not), so ensure to keep downtimes to a minimum or you will risk losing delegators and thus your spot in the active collator set.

Conversely, once your maintenance concludes, re-add your collator to the active set with parachainStaking::goOnline()

Again, this takes effect at the start of the next round after execution (at most 6 hours).